Hi there,  Keira Lee here...  About My Blog :  URL : Coated Marshmallow Title : Garden of the Candies It's about:  ...


22:16:00 Author nim 0 Comments

Hi there, 
Keira Lee here... 
About My Blog : 
Title : Garden of the Candies

It's about: 
✿ FOOD (chinesem, japanese, korean)
✿ K-POP (gossips, ramblings, news, lyrics)
✿ J-POP (gossips, ramblings, news, lyrics, papapic) 
✿ Drama (I may write summary or thought about J-Drama or K-Drama)

Who are you?
I describe my blog reader as 'Princess' 

How about download zone?
✿ Yes I will upload some multimedia on Mediafire with certain passwords

What about me?
✿ I am keira lee (Lee is my family name, Keira is my stage name LOL, nah I just found this name is cute)

I'd like to share anything, including my opinion or else. I may share some paparazzi picture that not everyone could see in social media.
I already set my Instagram and Twitter fell free to follow

So welcome to my blog, princess!